Thanks so much for this info! Worked great for me with some Unepic maps. Need help downloading items from Steam Workshop FM22 Discussion posted on General FM. You will still need to change the file you download into a zip, but at least you don't have to jump to another page to download the mod. So after a bit of hunting Enhanced Steam Workshop Downlader on works with the Workshop's current layout. If the mod does not immediately begin downloading, you may need to start HoI4 launcher to.

I thought only the Steam client could download from the workshop! You can still download HOI4 mods from the steam workshop. I'll be able to use this script for several other games as well. Yes, you can make them yourself, but this particular wheel has already been invented once so there's no real need to reinvent it. Unfortunately, with being tossed in a sack and thrown in the river by it's maintainers, it becomes a bit harder to find working Userscripts. You can still use the site without it, but the thought of a Userscript appeals to me far more than the, lets be honest here, kludge the site represents. Whenever this happens, Steam will refuse to download new mods for that particular game until the corruption issue is resolved.

Staredown: The Userscript at [url= does not work as Valve has changed the Workshop's layout and the script has not been updated to deal with Valve's latest shenanigans. Method 1: Remove Corrupted Mods If you are encountering the problem with only one app specifically, you are likely encountering the problem because some of your mod files have become corrupted and are throwing an error.